You're at the center of the universe.
Sunday, January 22, 2006, 10:56 PM
Lately, this blog has been totally transferred into a blog of rants of fustration and anger, due to the high rising animosity between the gaffer and some ass clowns. Today wasn't quite a good day for me as things cocked up here and there, even in my brain. Seems to be suffering from a mysterious headache, perhaps due to headering the ball constantly. Who else are still using obsolete computers? That really sucks. Anyway, no signs of sickness and what's the point of feigning sick when CNY's just one week away? I'll prove to myself that maintaining a healthy lifestyle will be the rise of the gaffer. Psychosis' a matter of fact and truth, for every individual must pick themselves up and prove the critics wrong after a defeat. Against all odds, I will conquer with the faith and trust in my Lord, Jesus Christ and I know his plans for me will always be positive, regardless of any setbacks in the midst of it.
Saturday, January 21, 2006, 1:20 AM
I don't see the point of jamming in the near future due to ridiculous comments from a single party. Anyways, jamming wasn't THAT bad, just it doesn't seem to be as anticipating as the last time we jam. Well, It cannot be blamed due to horrendous circumstances. Thank God I'm drifting away from the clique. With a group that almost recycle their daily/weekly activities just sucks shit. Rants or Lambasts, I could care less. Being suspicious of the gaffer can lead to a serious downfall. He is dumb enough to spread "rumors" without finding out the truth. With the exception of some ex-classmates, the rest are faggots. For Mr. T, he's one hell of a childish, uncivillized, dirty, rugged son of a bitch who always laughs at unfunny jokes. Conclusion: Sick of them and the balls ram. Peace out.
Friday, January 20, 2006, 12:42 AM
Before done deal with my assignment, I have to blog. Seeing my class in this current condition and shape which could lead to a downfall fustrates me severely. Cliques scattered everywhere, whether it consist of 3 to 10 peeps, and some got outcasted or chose to drift away secretly. Reality check, it wasn't supposed to be like that. Sometimes, looking at the same group over and over again just makes me feel sick. Conflicts scattered everywhere too, which might lead to the Ultimate DeathMatch of all time. Thank God I ain't the class rep for now, or else hell will be upon myself. Pressure, stress and headaches will come knocking on my door and I'll have no choice but to open it and allow them to access through. Sometimes I wonder, do we really have nothing to talk about? Whether it's homework, personal agendas, and identical interests or is it just me? If the Pebbles can bond like Topology, why can't the Rs? Sometimes I just wish to leave for Indiana to find Sierra and talk to her for 10 mins and fly back to Singapore, which is obviously a waste of time and money. Dudes and Dudettes changed. A small matter can lead into a BIGGER problem. Kind at heart peeps are being labeled as Asses of all trades. If Bon Jovi can sign my boxset, why can't the class bond together for the sake that it's the very last year we are spending time to accomodate to ourselves and yours truly? Unprecedented? MY ASS!
Tuesday, January 17, 2006, 1:15 AM
2nd post of the day determines that I don't wanna be an unhappy son of a biatch. I want to believe that what God had given and will give me is gonna be something positive. Learning to be versatile ain't a ****ed up matter. I want to be myself. That's just me. I want people to accept who I am, unless they are a bunch of idiots playing toy cars behind the corridor. I do have aspirations to be a conqueror of every nation. Even if I'm pissed off for specific reasons which cannot be revealed, I gotta be myself. Perhaps this is a challenge from God and I believe to overcome such matters would need to possess great beliefs, faith and strength. As for being a conqueror of every nation, it's to conquer the demons out of every sick sons and daughters of bitch and cats. For those who doubt me, I'LL PROVE YOUR F**KING ASSES WRONG. TRUST ME TO DO THAT. FROM THERE, YOU WILL GAIN THE AMOUNT OF RESPECT THAT I'VE GAINED FOR MY FATHER. WATCH THIS SPACE.
12:19 AM
Finally, school reopened.......at its worst. I was expecting the finest to happen during the orientation but with the everlasting conflicts that surfaces around the clique, it was kinf of outlandish. Should any inmates who ran the asylum come by and read the blog, I hope no one will comprehend what the shit am I typing. But to state succintly about a mixture of positive and negative, the class, which I am (or probably, was) in-charged of, consist of only 10 girls out of 42 classmates. It was unprecedented, at least for me. Other classes have equal amount of males and females and what you expect from 32 noobs and 10 noobets? Anyway, there's gonna be a way out. It wasn't a sadist getting a cup of tea. When you are being conducive to a group, someone asked you to stop and let the "dawg" continue. As a matter of fact, I shouldn't spare a thought for the others. I should do what I believe in and possess the passion and commitment. As for the dawg, it's an asshole. Well what can we expect from nascent leaders. I'm one, for now. The rest are too. I'm learning the versatile way, which will, of course, be conducive towards the society. Pebbles epitomize a family with the bond and greater value than large families. Seriously, it's getting out of point. From a major standpoint, it's been out since Cold War II started. Conclusion: Depression strucks winter.
Wednesday, January 11, 2006, 12:40 AM
With the large amount of food left on the dining table, it doesn't seem like a traditional family dinner for the rest of the krocks. Krocks is a term used to describe people who are suckers for mediocre stuffs. With the misconception of the specific..............AWWW WTF SCREW THIS SHIT. IT AIN'T A BLOGGING ANTHEM ANYMORE. I'VE BEEN PILING MY WORK ON THIS SHIT AND IT DIDN'T PAY OFF. PEOPLE EARNED SPONSORS AND FAME FOR THEIR NONSENSICAL AND UNFUNNY POSTS WHILE UNSUNG HEROES LIKE US HAVE TO SIT HERE AND DEAL WITH THE BULLSHIT OF THE POLITICS BACKSTAGE. IT'S ABOUT BUSINESS BUT I DON'T REALLY EXPECT IT TO TAKE IT OFF IMMEDIATELY DUE TO THE FACT THAT I'M TAMING IT TO "EVOLVE" TO A HUGE SENSATION, WHOM PEOPLE WILL DUBBED AS "THE FUTURE". TO CONCLUDE, I DON'T GIVE A _!_ . THANK YOU. (Please note that caps are rude. We should not attempt t..............OH SHUT THE GAP UP, IDIOTA!)
Monday, January 09, 2006, 12:17 AM
  James Blunt - You're Beautiful My life is brilliant My love is pure I saw an angel Of that I'm sure She smile at me on the subway She was with another man But I won't lost no sleep on that Cause I've got a plan You're beautiful (x2) You're beautiful, it's true I saw your face, in a crowded place and I don't know what to do Cause I'll never be with you............ Yes she caught my eye As I walked on by She could see on my face that I was Flying high And I don't think that I'll see her again But we shared a moment that will last till the end Beautiful song, vulgarities galore. The Jackass of All Trades
Sunday, January 01, 2006, 11:14 PM
It's a new year for everyone. For you, for me, for your parents and your siblings. Perhaps when we were counting down in the not so "wee" hours, the Americans were having a cup of coffee and choking on their cornflakes, while the British were betting and enjoying soccer matches throughout the region. It made no sense. I reckon a world countdown to be incorporated into the world of desperados. A new year to celebrate for the kids and a pain in the ass for road sweepers. Man, time really files. I closed my eyes and once I open it, I'm celebrating my 18th birthday. 18.......I can do almost everything that's been legalized by the government. But.....I might not as gym and other areas have been priorities for me. I've set a target. To be myself and psychotic. Don't misunderstand the gaffer. Psychotics are crazy and smart. They can differentie between negative and positive. Such a sign is unprecedented. I also wish to make it to Thailand and I pray that my exams will conclude by the time I'm singing, "We are going to the hilltop......" If a pastor likes Creed, he's cool. But if he starts to sing a few lines, he's.....beyond cool. If he labels Alter Bridge as "rubbish", oh man, that's harsh but, impressive. I want to be conducive to every aspect of mine. That's selfishness if you were to examine. But, if you want to be conducive to every areas, that's sparing a thought for the asses around you. Year 2006 will soon pass. Don't worry. Suffer enough and there will be no Duff.
Age: Unknown
D.O.B: 121288
School: School of Hard Knocks
Influences (Music): Mark Tremonti, Jack Black, Reuben Morgan, Jason Wade, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Cobain, Freddie Mercury, Martin Smith, Bono