You're at the center of the universe.
Wednesday, April 29, 2009, 11:51 AM
Aliaune Damala Bouga Time Puru Nacka Lu Lu Lu Badara Akon Thiamvs.Pablo Diego José Francisco de Paula Juan Nepomuceno María de los Remedios Cipriano de la Santísima Trinidad Ruiz y Picasso Gosh, the names just keep getting longer.
Saturday, April 25, 2009, 11:30 PM
Singapore Flyer, sitting by the road, fisheye, it stays in the memory. With or without beer, it worked out perfectly fine, if not, awesome.
Buongiorno, come stai?
I wish the answer was benissimo. But too bad, cosi cosi. Grazie.
Right now, I just hope that Manchester United will overcome Tottenham.
Wednesday, April 15, 2009, 2:31 PM
"If someone loved you once, someone can love you again."
Watch this to believe that it is after all, a meaningful one.
Tuesday, April 07, 2009, 12:49 AM
I read through the archives.
I noticed I've changed. I'm not as caring as I was back then. I'm just simply trying too hard this time round. Too hard that I could not bend and break it. Too hard that it doesn't seem to be working. Too hard that I tend to be insensitive towards certain things.
And for these causes, it broke down to pieces. Perhaps it should be as easy as playing abc but somehow, it doesn't seem to be.
But still, I just want to try. I never seem to plan before doing anything. I just whack, whack with faith to be more precise. But now, I have to ask myself whether have I been whacking with faith or I'm just whacking it for the sake of whacking?
Turns out that I need to do some soul searching first, even before I need to start on anything. I need to learn the art of being wise, making the right choices and being sure of myself before doing anything. Vincent was saying that we can all be sure to whack with faith, but NOT with blind faith. I'm sure by that, we need to be certain about the stuff that we are doing.
Nobody goes on the show "Who Wants To Be A Millionaire?" without a knowledge of knowing what will the questions asked be. Surely they all have done some homework on general knowledge prior to going onto the show.
That same concept applies to me but it needs to be done within one's inner self. Action speaks louder than words. Just can't say it, have to do it.
Back to soul-searching, suckers. I miss the days when the two words can make people remember it for their lives. Maybe it's not "their", just singular. But now, I have to wait for signals. I want to do it, from my heart.
Saturday, April 04, 2009, 12:48 AM
Just now, my best friend told me that she let out a cough during a play right before the audience clapped. So the whole auditorium was silent and as they were getting ready to applause, a cough can be heard. Her friends were obviously aware of that and indeed, what a "moment" for them. Surely, it might be awkward but should they meet up ten or twenty years down the road, they will mention and laugh about it together. Such moments, whether it's embarrassing or stupid, they are simply just memories. Memories that can bring a couple of people together and reminisce about it ten years down the road. Memories that can bring a laughter out of yourself when you think about it. Memories....that can put a smile on your face and say, "I miss the times we had. How I wish it could all happen again."
As I continue to type this entry, a scene of Friends came to my mind. The scene from the series finale, where they had their stuffs packed in boxes as they hugged and from there, they went on their separate ways. I suppose memories are always being kept in boxes, just like how most people keep their precious stuffs in it. Once in a while, they would open it up, look through and reminisce about the good old times. Nothing can change those but as you compare then and now, things might not be the same already. People are slowly drifting away from one another, they don't communicate anymore, they just simply....move on. Move on, forget about it and until one fine day, you started to remember and you regret, is that what we want it to happen to us? I guess we just all need to be consistent. It's not hard, it's not.
And I hope that applies to me. It wouldn't kill me. It'll make me happier.
But I guess happy isn't the word to describe me now. Gandhi and Martin Luther King Jr. were normal and yet people proclaimed them as extraordinary. But still, they insisted that they are just like most of us, normal.
Thursday, April 02, 2009, 12:07 AM
A Tribute To A Friend I have a close buddy, her name is Caylynn. I have known her since the primary school days. We were in the same class when we were in Primary 5. 5/2 was the class. We didn't talk much back then, just saying "hi" and stuff, like colleagues. Soon, it was the year 2000 and we were not in the same class. Then came the secondary school days. Guess what, we were posted to the same class and from Secondary 1 to 2, we didn't talk much. It was during the 3rd year when we started to talk and communicate like humans do. Then came the final year and it was case closed, but the start of a new band. A band, that was determined to break new grounds when the local scene was pretty much a big piece of shit. We did not really have a name, but we have an identity. Monikers like "The Transfusions" and "Blood Transfusions" were brought up, but neither of those worked out. In the end, we stuck to it being nameless for what matters most was playing and improving as a team. The original lineup consisted of yours truly (vocals, guitar), Jonathan (vocals, guitar), George (drums), Terence (bass) and Caylynn on the keys. But soon, it started to change as some drifted in and out. Therefore, there were "special" guests like Johan, Dingyan and Mmairah, who all featured on the drums. Ironically, all we really needed were drummers at that time. After that, we did not really jam, as we were busy with our side projects. She had her school band while I was busy with the church band. But still, we met up for gigs and the first proper one was Baybeats 2006. That led me to a path of destruction as I went for all three days and my ears were ringing for nuts' sake. But going back to the topic, she was encouraging me to go for local gigs but as international bands started to fly in, they became the mainstay and priority. She thus became a gig buddy of mine and as a result of this, most of my friends know Caylynn. Hannah knows her, my brother knows her, Johan knows her, Darren knows her, Jonathan Tang knows her, Lester knows her, Lifang knows her, Jessica knows her, Raimy knows her, Hannah's friend knows her, Romie knows her, Isa knows her, Garry knows her and the list goes on (or it has probably finished). If you don't believe, I have photos to prove:
   © Copyright. All Rights Reserved by Miss Hannah Chen. © Copyright. All Rights Reserved by Miss Hannah Chen.But yea, all these will come to an end when she flies off to Hawaii for overseas studies later. Therefore, the Red Jumpsuit Apparatus concert was her last gig in Singapore:I will definitely miss her. All the jamming sessions, gig outings, the meet-ups with Sherry and Joeyee, the constant spotting of her at different places like Marina Square and City Hall MRT and etc. All these will be missed but yes, may the memories be left alone for they are indeed precious. So yes, I will get your David Archuleta CD signed and soon, we'll meet up for Singfest indeed. All the best to you Cay! We'll miss you!
With Sincerity, Jeremy (One down, one more to go. This time, it'll be emotionally heartwrenching)
Age: Unknown
D.O.B: 121288
School: School of Hard Knocks
Influences (Music): Mark Tremonti, Jack Black, Reuben Morgan, Jason Wade, Eddie Guerrero, Kurt Cobain, Freddie Mercury, Martin Smith, Bono